Saturday, March 10, 2007

Faith and Politics

Hear the candidates in their own words. Look into their eyes --- hear their words --- pray for a discerning spirit. These are the video statements I've been able to discover so far.

If you are unwilling to listen to a candidate from the party other than your own, it is up to you to decide whether you are closed-minded, a coward, or both.

John Edwards on His Beliefs About God (sorry about the ads -- it's a thing)

John Edwards on Religion and Politics (sorry about the ads -- it's a thing)

Barack Obama: Reconciling Faith and Politics (If you have listened to all of this, you have essentially read the chapter on faith in his book, The Audacity of Hope)

John McCain on Faith (very brief)

John McCain on Values (very brief)

Mitt and Ann Romney on Faith and Policy

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