Monday, June 12, 2006

In the other guys shoes

It's been quite a while since I've had a chance to catch up at blogitch. With our interim pastor away on 3 weeks of vacation beginning Memorial Day, I've been experiencing ministry from a more senior pastoral perspective. It's not the first time and I'm sure it probably won't be the last. I have no complaints because we all need to live life in another person's shoes every once in a while.

I've enjoyed preparing a couple of midweek prayed/bible studies, a couple of Sunday evening messages, a sermon for morning worship yesterday, music & worship for all the services and three funerals - in the last 17 days.

I know that's a light schedule for many of you rev gals and guys. The biggest challenge has been the funerals for these three men - two who died just yesterday. My comments on Bill are posted just below. Tomorrow we bury Buck Goudelock and Wednesday we say goodbye to Laverne "Vick" Vickery. All of these guys were 75+ year old, salt of the earth, mortar of the fellowship men. Each, in his own circumstances, succumbed to illnesses that ate away at their bodies. But the very different illnesses failed to crush their humanity, their spirits, their ability to be Christ to a room full of people all physically stronger than themselves.

It is a real privilege, a real gift to be able to take the lead in guiding the fellowship in thanksgiving and celebration for lives such as these.

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