Monday, August 25, 2008

What Does MS Look Like?

I did something I've never done before. Since 2004, time in the MRI has been a regular thing. The technicians have done their thing and then sent the result over to the neurologists for evaluation. At my appointment for imaging this past Friday, I asked if they would burn a copy of the image disk for me to have. They obliged me with no question.

I've suspected for the past couple of weeks that the disease is currently active so I was anxious to have a look at the pictures myself. This is what I've found with my untrained eye. Below, you see a white splotch that looks like it doesn't belong.


In the image below, you can see a thicker crescent shape toward the bottom left side. This is a view of the white shadow above seen from the top.


There are other images that I will have questions about at my appointment but I thought I'd take time to share just these two.

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